sábado, 22 de novembro de 2014

Acupressure point "Sea of Energy": more sex, more energy

An acupressure point that has multiple advantages from a sexual standpoint in the “Sea of Energy”, also know as CV6 (Conception Vessel 6).

This point, situated about 5 cm or, roughly, about 3 finger widths below the belly button, when massaged with firm, circular movements with a finger, has not only the advantage of providing intense genial stimulation but also overall energy, which is clearly an advantage before and during sex.

Furthermore, it is amazing to innocently stimulate your partner in public :)

The point is relatively easy to find using the following image:

domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

How to ass slap or spank responsibly

I have recently been sent by a friend this great infography that serves as a very detailed guide into responsible slapping or spanking.

I would advise that the level of it should be carefully pre-arranged, as a softcore loving couple probably won't appreciate the crying and sobbing ending.

Other that that, whatever works for the both of you is just fine!

Have a great weekend!! :)