Let us start slow, so that this one lasts.
All along my life I've found it surprising the way most people think about skill acquisition.
In general everyone seems to agree that it takes learning and training to master the simplest of skills, from tying your shoelaces (something you know don’t even think about but once was an huge victory), using a bathroom (something a lot of adults still don’t seem to master), learning to drive or play tennis.
But then there are certain activities that people believe they are born knowing not only how to perform them but born being somehow above average, among which are being a parent and, of course, fucking.
If you take the time to think about it, sex is no different from any other physical activity: it demands a comprehension of the associated principles and rules, acquisition of techniques and, to master it, practice, a LOT of practice.
This group is destined precisely to people that, like me, have learned throughout the years that to be a really great fuck you really can’t rely on the instincts that I was born with and that I still have a lot to learn.
Although I have read, attended workshops and practiced as much as possible, I am far from being a master on the subject, so my intention with this group is not only to share what I have learned but to get as much feedback as possible from the group members so that we may all evolve together.
This could be a hell of a ride!
Let us then take the first step…
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